Changing contrast over time modulates gamma frequency. A) Four different contrast profiles, with temporal frequency of (from left to right) 0, 0.625, 1.25 and 2.5 Hz. B, C) The average time-frequency energy difference for the 100% maximum contrast stimulus (red traces in A) for Monkey 1 (44 sites, B) and Monkey 2 (90 sites, C). Gamma frequency shows a pronounced modulation as the contrast changes over time. D) Same as C, but for the 50% maximum contrast stimulus (green trace in A) for Monkey 2. E) The average gamma oscillation frequency for Monkey 1 (upper panel; only 100% (red) and 25% (blue) contrasts were used for this monkey) and Monkey 2 (lower panel). The standard errors were of the order of the thickness of the lines and were omitted for clarity.