Analysis of IRS-2 proteolysis by SDS–PAGE. (a) 15% SDS–PAGE of an IRS-2 crystal (lane 1) and the protein sample used for crystallization experiments (lanes 2–4). Lane 1, dissolved protein crystal; lane 2, 0.75 µg IRS-2; lane 3, 1.1 µg IRS-2; lane 4, 1.5 µg IRS-2; lane 5, protein molecular-weight markers (Fermentas; labelled in kDa). (b) 15% SDS–PAGE of IRS-2 protein (0.4 µg) stored at 277 K (lane 1) and incubated for 6 d at 310 K without protease inhibitors (lane 2) and in the presence of 10 µM E-64 and 1 mM Pefabloc (lane 3).