Figure 4.
Irradiated and control females displayed indistinguishable behavioral repertoires while at the nest. Behavior at nest was further classified as: mother in a nursing posture, which could be an active or passive nursing posture, grooming and licking pups, doing nest maintenance, self-grooming or eating; and pups lactating (see Materials and Methods for a more detailed description of the behavioral categories and Figure A1B in Appendix for examples). Note that each behavior is scored as a fraction of the time the female was at the nest (number of observations of behavior/number observations at nest). Data represent mean across mice in each group; for each mouse, data is the average of two daily sessions. IRR (black), n = 10 mice; CTRL (blue), n = 7 mice. For none of the behaviors the time allocated (while at nest) differed between IRR and CTRL mice (p > 0.05 for all treatment comparisons, two-way rmANOVA).