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. 2010 Dec 14;5(12):e15176. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0015176

Table 1. Mathematical parameters describing the functional interactions among various cell types.

Rate 1/year Pathway S(Ns) S(Nd) S(M1) S(M2) Sensitivity
α1 10−5 Aq → Ns 50000 −50000 −6000 6000 Strong
α2 10−3 Ap → Nd −500 500 −60 60 Weak
α3 10−2 M1 → Nd −200 200 −35 35 Weak
α4 10−4 M2 → Aq 500 −500 150 −150 Weak
α5 10−2 M1 → Ap −3 3 1 −1 Weak
α6 10−2 Ns → M2 500 −500 −6000 6000 Weak
α7 10−4 Aq → M2 5000 −5000 −50000 50000 Strong
α8 10−2 Aβ ⊥ M2 −400 400 5000 −5000 Moderate
α9 10−2 M1 ⊥ M2 −30 30 250 −250 Weak
α10 10−2 Nd → M1 −8 8 90 −90 Weak
α11 10−2 Ns ⊥ M1 500 −500 −6000 6000 Moderate
α12 10−4 Aq ⊥ M1 5000 −5000 −50000 50000 Strong
α13 10−2 Aβ → M1 −400 400 5000 −5000 Moderate
α14 10−4 M2 ⊥ M1 5000 −5000 −50000 50000 Strong
α15 1 Ns → Aβ −10 10 100 −100 Weak
α16 10−2 M2 ⊥ Aβ 100 −100 −1000 1000 Weak
αr 1 M2 ⊥ Aβ 8 −8 −100 100 Weak

The rates αi associated with the pathways of the AD mechanism, and the sensitivities of the Ns and Nd populations to variations in the values of αi. The values for the sensitivity coefficients S(Nj, j = s, d)  =  dNj/dαi are determined after 20 years for ±2.5% perturbations in each αi value. A cell population is more sensitive to a change in a rate that produces a larger value of |S(Nj)|. Positive S(Nj) imply that a rate contributes to an increase in Nj while a negative value entails a corresponding population decrease.