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. 2010 Dec 3;102(24):1826–1834. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djq417

Table 1.

Patient characteristics stratified by low-risk vs metastatic prostate cancer*

Characteristic Low-risk prostate cancer (N = 64 788), No. (%) Metastatic prostate cancer (N = 8030), No. (%)
Age, y
    66–69 17 622 (27.2) 1812 (22.6)
    70–74 22 224 (34.3) 2248 (28.0
    75–79 15 634 (24.1) 1861 (23.2)
    80–84 6764 (10.4) 1297 (16.2)
    ≥85 2544 (3.9) 812 (10.1)
Clinical tumor stage
    1 46 333 (71.5) 479 (6.0)
    2 18 455 (28.5) 1295 (16.1)
    3 0 530 (6.6)
    4 0 5377 (67.0)
    Unknown 0 349 (4.3)
WHO grade
    1 8564 (13.2) 161 (2.0)
    2 56 224 (86.8) 2590 (32.3)
    3 0 4298 (53.5)
    Undifferentiated 0 106 (1.3)
    Unknown 0 875 (10.9)
Charlson comorbidity index
    0 49 566 (76.5) 6360 (79.2)
    1 10 391 (16.0) 1079 (13.4)
    2 3060 (4.7) 378 (4.7)
    ≥3 1771 (2.7) 213 (2.7)
    Non-Hispanic white 51 578 (79.6) 5932 (73.9)
    Non-Hispanic black 5253 (8.1) 959 (11.9)
    Hispanic 5008 (7.7) 608 (7.6)
    Asian 2719 (4.2) 495 (6.2)
    Other/unknown 230 (0.4) 36 (0.4)
Median income§
    0–$35 654 15 033 (23.2) 2290 (28.5)
    $35 655–46 118 15 499 (23.9) 2005 (25.0)
    $46 119–60 409 15 630 (24.1) 1866 (23.2)
    ≥$60 410 16 003 (24.7) 1499 (18.7)
    Unknown 2623 (4.0) 370 (4.6)
Percent of adults with less than high school education§
    0–18.5 15 755 (24.3) 1712 (21.3)
    18.6–25.2 15 579 (24.0) 1938 (24.1)
    25.3–32.5 15 420 (23.8) 2013 (25.1)
    32.5–100 15 411 (23.8) 1997 (24.9)
    Unknown 2623 (4.0) 370 (4.6)
Rural status
    Nonrural 59 603 (92.0) 7275 (90.6)
    Rural 5183 (8.0) 755 (9.4)

Includes patients reported by all SEER registries, including those added in 2000. As expected, there were statistically significant differences between the low-risk and metastatic groups in all clinical and demographic variables (ie, P < .001 for all comparisons, using two-sided χ2 test), so P values are not included in the table. SEER = Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database; WHO = World Health Organization.

Clinical tumor stage from Clinical Extension variable in SEER.

WHO grade from SEER. WHO grade 1–2 correlates with Gleason score 2–7 tumors in 1992–2002 and Gleason score 2–6 tumors in 2003–2005.


Determined by average zip code level information according to 2000 United States census data.