Information transmission through a noisy postsynaptic neuron. (A) Schematic representation of the feed-forward network. Five-second input spike trains repeat continuously in time (periodic input) and drive a noisy and possibly adapting output neuron via plastic synapses. It is assumed that an observer of the output spike train has access to portions YK of it, called “words,” of duration T = KΔ. The observer does not have access to a clock, and therefore has a flat prior expectation over possible phases before observing a word. The goodness of the system, given a set of synaptic weights w, is measured by the reduction of uncertainty about the phase, gained from the observation of an output word YK (mutual information, see text). (B) For a random set of synaptic weights (20 weights at 4 mV, the rest at 0), the mutual information (MI) is reported as a function of the output word size KΔ. Asymptotically, the MI converges to the theoretical limit given by log2(Nφ) ( 12.3 bits. In the rest of this study, 1-s output words are considered (square). (C) Mutual information (MI, top) and information per spike (MI’, bottom) as a function of the average firing rate. Black: with SFA. Green: without SFA. Each dot is obtained by setting a fraction of randomly chosen synaptic efficacies to the upper bound (4 mV) and the rest to 0. The higher the fraction of non-zero weights, the higher the firing rate. The information per spike is a relevant quantity because spike generation costs energy.