Table 1.
Case | Age/ Sex |
POD# on Diagnosis |
Cause | Highest Amylase (IU/l) |
Clinical Presentation |
Sequelae | Treatment | Outcome |
1 | 37/M | 2 | IAG | 1.764 | PGNFN | none | OLTx IV | died of PGNFN |
2 | 62/F | 2 | IAG | 535 | PGNFN | pancreatic abscesses (14)* |
drainage, OLTx II | died of PGNFN |
3 | 26/M | 1 | IAG | 1.193 | poor GFN, fever, hypocal- cemia |
pseudocysts (32)*, in- fected pseudocysts (80*) |
drainage | alive and well |
4 | 43/F | 2 | IAG | 7.121 | poor GFN ARF, semicoma | retroperitoneal abscess (15)* |
drainage | died of MOF |
5 | 49/F | 71 | migrated T-tube |
2.900 | fever, back pain | none | removal of T-tube | alive and well |
6 | 58/M | 108 | HBV | 1.889 | stupor, acute abdomen | none | NPO, NG suction IV fluid | died of MOF |
7 | 31/M | 41 (au- topsy) |
CMV | 1.072 | systemic CMV infection | none | died of systemic CMV in- fection |
8 | 65/F | 56 | unknown | (1.952)+ | pancreatic pseudocysts | infected pseudocysts (62)* |
drainage | alive and well |
=number of postoperative day;
=data on the 3rd postoperative d;
OLTx=orthotopic liver transplantation; POD#=postoperative day; IAG=iliac artery graft PGNFN=primary graft non-function; GFN graft-function; ARF=acute renal failure; MOF=multiple organ failure; HBV=hepatitis B virus; CMV=cytomegalovirus.