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. 2010 Nov 23;5:7. doi: 10.1186/1750-0680-5-7

Table 1.

Physical attributes and emission estimates for lowland tropical forest (<500 m a.s.l.) on peat and mineral substrates in Indonesia

Lowland forest on contrasting substrates

Attribute Mineral soils Peat
(a) Estimated original extent in Indonesia (1000 ha) a 128,100 20,949

(b) Carbon Stocks (mean ± sd; range)

 Aboveground stocks (t C ha-1) b 211 ± 55 (100-370) 230 ± 66 (148-3510)

 Belowground stocks (t C ha-1) 137 ± 26 (98-168) c 2425 ± 726 (600-3131) d

 Total (t C ha-1) 353 (214-539) 2680 (748-3496)

(c) CO2 emissions (t CO2 ha-1 yr-1)

 Estimated net annual CO2 emissions from oil palm plantations (mean ± sd; range) e 13.7 ± 5.6 (8.1-25.3) 58.6 ± 18.2 (43.7-87.0)

 Estimated net annual CO2 emissions from fiber plantations f 16.6 48.4

 Estimated total annual CO2 emissions from deforestation and degradation across Indonesia (range) g 538-1596 2121-4611

(d) Estimated original extent of lowland forest in Kalimantan and occurrence of remaining forest as of 2008 in different land use classes according to national spatial plans (percentage of total remaining area in parentheses) h

 Estimated original extent (ha) 39,921,309 4,321,178

 Estimated remaining extent as of 2008 (ha) 21,508,044 2,382,313

 - Forest allocated for Protection 3,663,783 (17.0) 195,606 (8.2)

 - Forest allocated for Production 12,429,890 (57.8) 1,268,977 (53.3)

 - Forest allocated for Conversion 5,414,371 (25.2) 917,730 (38.5)

Comparisons are made between (a) estimated original extent of forest on peat and mineral substrates across Indonesia; (b) carbon stocks and (c) emission levels from both Kalimantan and Sumatra; and (d) estimated original and remaining 2008 lowland forest cover in Kalimantan on peat and mineral soil, separated by national land use classification.

a Estimated extent of 2008 forest cover derived from SPOT Veg imagery (1 km2 resolution) by SarVision, overlaid with SRTM to define areas <500 m a.s.l. [26] and Wetlands International map of peat lands to define areas with surface peat >50 cm depth [27-29]. Total extent of lowland forest on mineral soils was estimated as all other forest <500 m a.s.l. not on peat, and includes lowland rain forest on well drained mineral soils (c. 107 of 128 million ha, 84% of the total], as well as forest on limestone, ultrabasic rock, nutrient poor sandy soils on which kerangas (heath) forest develops, mangroves and freshwater swamps.

b See Additional File 1: Datafile_1.xls; [30-49].

c Data from [50].

d Data from [13,51-53].

e See Additional File 1: Datafile_1.xls; [54-58].

f Data from [55].

g Includes emissions originating from deforestation, degradation, peat land decomposition from drainage and fires; data from [59-61].

h Using data for lowland forest on mineral soils described under note (a), the forest area for Kalimantan was further subdivided according to land use status as defined by the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry (Tata Guna Hutan Kesepakatan, TGHK). Protection Forest areas are allocated for conservation purposes and may not be exploited; Production Forest areas may be logged and/or converted to industrial wood fiber plantations but not agriculture; Conversion Forest areas are allocated for planned conversion to non-forest agricultural crops (including e.g. oil palm or rubber).