Short-term (24 hours) neurologic outcomes after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in all treatment groups. (A) A composite score for multiple neurobehavioral tests shows worse functional recovery in diabetes compared with control. Both metformin and minocycline treatment improved the score significantly. Minocycline showed a differential effect indicated by no change in control animals but improvement of score in diabetic animals. Although there was no difference in individual scores of elevated body swing test (B) and forepaw grasp (C), forepaw grasp was improved in minocycline-treated animals. Mean±s.e.m., n=6 to 13, *P<0.05 versus C, **P=0.05 versus D, ***P=0.035 disease/treatment interaction for minocycline, ****P=0.0031 versus vehicle C or D. C, control; D, diabetes.