Fig. 3.
Effects of FSPP on CrtM catalysis and a GGSPP inhibitor structure. (A) Rate of PPi generation increases with FSPP concentration (error bars are from duplicate data points, R2 = 0.85). (B) Rate of dehydrosqualene formation decreases with FSPP concentration (duplicate, R2 = 0.78). These results indicate “dead-end” formation of S-thiolo-PSPP, as confirmed by mass spectrometry. (C) The 2Fo-Fc map (contoured at 0.8σ and 3σ) of GGSPP bound to F26A CrtM. (D) GGSPP (green and yellow) binds to both S1, S2; would clash with F26 (in red) if present; FSPPs are in cyan.