Figure 8.
Glutamine is required for continued signaling downstream from the IL-3R. (A) Cells were starved of glucose for 3 d in medium containing either 4 mM glutamine or 1 mM dimethyl-αKG ±15 mM GlcNAc and ±60 μM DON. Signaling was analyzed by Western blot. Cell size in femtoliters (fL) was assessed prior to lysis of cells. Results are representative of three independent experiments. (B) Cells were withdrawn from glucose ±0.4 mM leucine and ±15 mM GlcNAc for 2 d as indicated, and signaling was assessed by Western blot. Results are representative of two independent experiments. (C) Surface expression of the IL-3Rα was determined by flow cytometry in cells treated with 60 μM DON.