Effects of CDDO-Me treatment in genetically diabetic mice (Leprdb/db). The mice were treated with vehicle (control liposomes) or with CDDO-Me (2 mg/ml) packed in liposomes (250 μl/mice/twice daily). A–D, treatment had no effect on body weight (A, BW), but CDDO-Me treatment lowered random blood glucose levels (B), plasma FFA level (C), and plasma TG level (D). E, two weeks of CDDO-Me liposome treatment clearly showed significant improvement of glucose (2 mg/kg) tolerance test. F, whole body glucose production was measured by [3H]glucose infusion and showed significant reduction in the treated group. G, treatment also increased insulin sensitivity after 2 weeks of treatment as determined by ITT (5 units/kg). Solid bars, Leprdb/db male mice treated with CDDO-Me liposomes; empty bars, Leprdb/db male mice treated with control liposomes. The error bars represent the means ± S.D. (n = 3 mice/group). *, p < 0.05, treated versus control.