Effect of up- and down-regulation of CYP2B1 expression on anti-Fx1A-induced H2O2 generation and cytotoxicity in GECs. A and B, GECs were infected with the CYP2B1-expressing adenovirus (adv) or an empty adenovirus (−adv), followed by treatment with 4 mg/ml anti-Fx1A, and then incubated with FHS or HIS (5%) for 1 h. Generation of H2O2 was measured between 0.5 to 2 h after treatment by the oxidant-sensitive fluorescent dye dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCF) (A). Data at each time point in both the adenovirus and empty adenovirus groups represent net complement-mediated generation of H2O2 by FHS minus the endogenous generation of H2O2 by HIS. Cytotoxicity was determined by LDH release (B). Data in both the adenovirus and empty adenovirus groups represent net complement-mediated percentage of LDH release by FHS minus the endogenous LDH release by HIS. C and D, the CYP2B1 was silenced in GECs infected with CYP2B1 adenovirus for 48 h. GECs were then treated with anti-Fx1A followed by FHS or HIS. A negative siRNA (−ve siRNA) group was included to reflect the specificity of our silencing effect. H2O2 generation (C) and cytotoxicity (D) were measured as described. Values are means ± S.E. (n = 3). *, p < 0.05 compared with the empty adenovirus (C) or negative siRNA (D).