Total sample duration in seconds
Number of syllables in sample
Number of segments in sample
Speech rate (syllables/second)
Number of vocalic portions
Duration of vocalic portions
Number of consonantal portions
Duration of consonantal portions
Percentage of sample duration devoted to vocalic portions
Percentage of sample duration devoted to consonantal portions
Standard deviation of vocalic portion durations
Standard deviation of consonantal portion durations
F0 mean
F0 minimum
F0 maximum
F0 range (F0 maximum – F0 minimum)
Maximum number of consonants in a row
Presence/absence of dorsal consonants aside from /g, k/, or /ŋ/ (“marked back segments”)
Presence/absence of front rounded vowels (“marked front vowel rounding”)
Presence/absence of other “notable/non-English” phonetic features (e.g. geminate consonants, bilabial fricatives, lexical tone)