Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) comparison in rats and primates. Homology between the prefrontal cortex in rat (orbital and agranular insular areas) and primates (OFC) is indicated by their similar patterns of connectivity with the mediodorsal thalamus (MD, green), amygdala (orange), and striatum/accumbens/pallidum system (pink). In both species, the OFC receives robust sensation input from sensory cortices and associative information from the amygdala, and in both sends motor and limbic outputs to the striatum and nucleus accumbens. A coronal example is shown in each box. AId Dorsal agranular insula, AIv ventral agranular insula, c central, CD caudate, LO lateral orbital, m medial, NAc nucleus accumbens core, rABL rostral basolateral amygdala, VO ventral orbital, including ventrolateral and ventromedial orbital regions, VP ventral pallidum. Reprinted with permission from Schoenbaum et al. (2006)