Fig. 2.
Correlation Maps of Mismatch Negativity (MMN) Recorded at frontal-central by Gray Matter Measures Coregistered on Averaged Left and Right Cerebral Hemispheres of 18 Healthy Control Subjects (CON: A, B, C) and 18 Schizophrenia Patients (SCZ: D, E, F). Cerebral correlation maps were statistically thresholded at P < .05 (uncorrected) and permutation tested for each hemisphere at P < .05. Blue map colors indicate an association of reduced gray matter measures with reduced MMN peak amplitudes, while red map colors indicate reversed relationship. (E) Permutation testing confirmed association of MMN with gray matter in schizophrenia patients for the left and right hemisphere for frequency deviants (see figure 5 for detailed analysis at gyral level).