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. 2010 Nov;24(11):671–677. doi: 10.1155/2010/957264


Information regarding self-management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Amount of information on each topic across the websites evaluated

Information topic Proportion of websites with no information (n=30), % Information score, mean Intraclass correlation coefficient comparing two raters
Changes to diet that may be helpful with IBD 10 2.8 0.87
What foods offer the best nutritional value 83 1.2 0.82
What nutritional deficiencies you may be at risk for 43 2.3 0.91
When to use nutritional supplements 60 1.5 0.92
Informing family members about IBD 87 1.2 0.89
How to manage time away from work/school 90 1.3 0.96
Insurance that may be available if sick days run out 90 1.3 1.00
Sources of support in coping with IBD 17 2.6 0.82

The information score is based on a five-point rating scale ranging from 1 (no information), to 3 (adequate information with basic detail), to 5 (complete and comprehensive information with detailed discussion). All correlations were statistically significant at P<0.01