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. 2010 Sep 17;2:219–223. doi: 10.2147/CMR.S12829

Table 2.

Summary of results from two patients with TET2 deletions

Pt # Dx Mutational status
% of nuclei Karyotype
JAK2V617F MPLW515L RP11-912N16 RP11-16G16 RP11-45L9
8 PMF + ND + + 90 46,XY
34* PMF + ND 5 45,XY,-7,del(10) (q21),inv(12) (?p12.1;q13.3), der(12)t(12;?), add(17)(p11.24)

Notes: On a subsequent follow-up specimen a clone with the karyotype 45,XY,der(4)del(4)(p14)del(q24),-7,del(8)(p21)del(10)(q22),add(17)(p11.2),del(20(q11q13) had developed.

Abbreviations: ND, not done; PMF, primary myelofibrosis; BACs, bacterial artificial chromosomes.