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. 2009 Mar 11;2:21–47. doi: 10.2147/jpr.s4949
Psychological states not directly related to persistent pain Depression, Anxiety, and Positive Outlook (DAPOS)107
Measurement of anxiety, depression, and mood Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)108 (peer reviewer)
Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D)36
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)109 (ACC Pain Focus Group)
Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)34
Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (ZSRD)110
Physiological manifestations of anxiety and depression relative to persistent pain Modified Somatic Perception Questionnaire (MSPQ)41
Pain cognition Cognitive Coping Strategies Inventory-Revised (CCSI-R)111
Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale (PASS-SF(20), PASS-40, PASS-72)112
Pain Cognition List (PCL)113
Pain Cognitions Questionnaire (PCQ)114
Catastrophizing, negative thoughts, fear Negative thoughts about pain
Inventory of Negative Thoughts in Response to Pain (INTRP)115
Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) (includes a scale for the significant other/partner PCS_S)116
Persistent pain fear
 1. Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ)43
 2. Fear Avoidance of Pain Scale (FAPS)117
 3. Fear of Pain Comparisons (FPC_11)118
 4. Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK)119
 5. Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia Short version (TSK-11)45
Pain distress
Pain Distress Inventory (PDI)46
Vigilance, preoccupation, and awareness of pain
Pain Vigilance and Awareness Questionnaire (PVAQ)120
Psychopathology in persistent pain
Symptoms of Chronic Pain List (SCL_27)121
Risk factor identification Distress and Risk Assessment Method (DRAM)122
Pain function, coping & management Ability to function with persistent pain
Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale (PAIRS)123
Persistent pain coping
1. Chronic Pain Coping Inventory suite (CPCI_65 (CPCI_significant other, CPCI_42, and CPCI_abbreviated)52
2. Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ_50)124 which also includes a revised (CSQ_R(27)), a shorter version (CSQ24)56 (and an abbreviated version (CSQ_abbreviated)54
3. Stoicism (Pain Attitudes Questionnaire-Revised (PAQ-R)) 125 Pain-Coping Inventory (PCI)57
4. Pain Coping Style Inventory (PCSI)126
5. Vanderbilt Multidimensional Pain Management Inventory (VMDPMI)127
Acceptance of persistent pain
Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ)128
Persistent pain management beliefs
Cognitive Risk Profile for Pain (CRPP)60
Reactions to persistent pain
1. Brief Pain Coping Inventory (BPCI)129
2. Biobehavioral Pain Profile (BPP)61
Pain attitudes
Survey of Pain Attitudes (SOPA_57),130 which includes a 35 item version (SOPA_35) and a short version (SOPA_S)
Pain beliefs and consequences
Pain Beliefs Questionnaire (PBQ)131
Pain beliefs and knowledge
Pain Beliefs and Perceptions Inventory (PBPI)132
Psychological pain functioning
1. Multidimensional Locus of Pain Control Questionnaire (MLPC)133
2. Pain Solutions Questionnaire (PaSolQ)134
3. Pain Patient Profile (PPP)135
Behavioral change readiness Chronic pain self-efficacy scale (CPS-ES)136
Chronic Pain Values Inventory (CPVI)49
Multidimensional Pain Readiness to Change Questionnaire (MPRCQ)50
Pain Behavior Checklist (PBC)137
Pain Stages of Change Questionnaire (PSCQ)138
Pain Self Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ)139