Figure S2.
SRp20 expression is essential for tumor cell growth. SRp20 was knocked down by RNAi as described in Figure 5B, and cell growth was measured in cervical cancer cell lines CaSki (A) and C33A (B), kidney cancer cell line 786-O (C), B-cell lymphoma cell lines JSC-1 (D) and BCBL-1 (E), and U2OS cells (F). The knockdown efficiency in individual cell lines on the indicated days (D2, D4, and D6) in A-E or on day 4 in F was estimated by Western blot and is shown on the top left of each line graph. hnRNP K served as a control for sample loading. Arrows indicate days after cell passage when RNAi was performed. Pooled SRp20 siRNAs D-01 to D-04 (Figure 5A) were used at a final concentration of 40 nM in A-E, and a single D-03 SRp20 siRNA (Figure 5A) was used at a final concentration of 20 nM in F. Data are shown as means ± SD from two separate experiments, each in duplicate. (G) YB-1 or hnRNP U knockdown had no effect on HeLa cell growth.