Table 1.
Medicinal plants used by Sabaots in Kopsiro division of Mt. Elgon district.
FAMILY | Local name & voucher number |
Plant species | Medicinal use | Habit | Part used |
Method |
Agavaceae | Makonket (OS 69/05) |
Agave sisalana Perrine ex Engelm |
Burns | Shrub | Leaves | Roasting |
Amaranthaceae | Kipsirim (OS 73/05) |
Achyranthes aspera L | Urinary tract | Herb | Whole | Boiling |
Amaranthaceae | Kimnagejir (OS 41/05) |
Cyanthula uncinulata (Schrad.) Hams |
‘kasogutiet’ | Herb | Roots | Chewing |
Acanthaceae | Tegeldet (OS 42/05) |
Acanthus eminens C.B.CIarke |
Spleen, liver, alimentary canal |
Shrub | Roots, leaves |
Boiling, Roasting |
Acanthaceae | Tegeltaptum (OS 53/05) |
Acanthus pubescens Engl. Turrill |
Mental disturbance | Shrub | Roots | Chewing |
Acanthaceae | Chebundamu (OS 57/05) |
Thunbergia alata Sims |
Boils | Herb | Leaves | Pounding |
Aloeaceae | Rodipchepkukwa (OS 101/05) |
Aloe elgonica Bullock | Malaria, ulcers, urinary tract |
Herb | Roots leaves |
Boiling Pounding |
Anacardiaceae | Siruetapsoi (OS 72/05) |
Rhus natalensis Bernh. ex Krauss |
Delivery, toothbrush, concoctions. |
Tree | Roots | Boiling |
Apiaceae | Mobchabelyo (OS 51/05) |
Steganotaenia araliacea Hochst |
Skin, partial blindness |
Tree | Bark, leaves |
Grinding, Roasting, Soaking. |
Apiaceae | Mitiviazi (OS 67/05) |
Heteromorpha trifoliata Eckl. & Zeyh. |
Ulcers | Tree | Root | Boiling |
Apiaceae | Korkopsarmoi (OS 78/05) |
Agrocharis incognita (C.Norman) V.H.Heywood & Jury |
Pneumonia. | Herb | Roots | Boiling |
Apocynaceae | Legetetwet (OS 63/05) |
Carissa edulis Vahl | Measles, Urinary tract, STI's |
Shrub | Roots | Boiling |
Araliaceae | Kwelet (OS 13/05) |
Schefflera volkensii (Engl) Hams |
Whooping cough, swollen bodies. |
Tree | Sap | - |
Aspiadiaceae | Kuptoret (OS 61/05) |
Pteridium aquilinium L. |
Stomach, worms. | Herb | Whole | Pounding, Boiling, chewing. |
Asteraceae | Sisimwet (OS 15/05) |
Artemisia afra Jacq | Malaria | Shrub | Leaves | Boiling |
Asteraceae | Tabongwe't (OS 44/06) |
Vernonia auriculifera Hiern |
Labor, afterbirth, malaria, pain in male private parts |
Shrub | Bark, root. |
Boiling |
Asteraceae | Kiben (OS 17/05) |
Acmella calirhiza Del | Toothache, afterbirth. |
Herb | Whole | Chewing |
Asteraceae | Saruryandet (OS 18/05) |
Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq |
Headache | Herb | Root | Pounding |
Asteraceae | Ngwekwe (OS 107/05) |
Tagetes minuta L | Colds | Herb | Leaves | Chewing |
Asteraceae | Sobitiet (OS 20/05) |
Solanecio mannii (Hook.f.) C. Jeffrey |
‘Alumgule’ (Heartburn). |
Tree/shrub | Leaves | Burning |
Asteraceae | Metitapsorin (OS 65/05) |
Echinops angustilobus S.Moore |
STI's | Herb | Root | Boiling |
Basellaceae | Nderemet (OS 22/05) |
Basella alba L. | Breathing difficulty | Herb | Leaves | Pounding |
Balsaminaceae | Chemakalbayi (OS 23/05) |
Impatiens tinctoria A.Rich |
Fertility | Herb | Roots | Boiling |
Bignoniaceae | Sinendet (OS 89/05) |
Markhamia lutea (Benth) Schumm |
Cataract | Tree | Leaves | Chewing |
Bignoniaceae | Rotiandet (OS 25/05) |
Spathodea companulata P. Beauv. |
Chest, backache, sirunda STI's |
Tree | Bark | Boiling |
Bignoniaceae | Kapteritet (OS 35/05) |
Stereospermum kunthianum Cham. |
Ingredient of a concoction |
Tree | Roots Leaves bark |
Boiling |
Boraginaceae | Mugengeret (OS 55/05) |
Cordia africana Lam | Cover broken limb | Tree | Bark | - |
Capparaceae | Sakiandet (OS 28/05) |
Cleome gynandra (L.) Briq. |
After birth | Herb | Root | Chewing |
Capparaceae | Chepkatait (OS 59/05) |
Maytenus heterophylla (Eckl. & Zeyh.) N. Robson |
Breathing, chest, malaria, STI |
Shrub | Roots | Boling |
Canellaceae | Sakwondet (OS 30/05) |
Warbugia ugandensis Sprague |
Chest, pneumonia Headache |
Tree | Bark | Grinding |
Celastraceae | Chemgangoi (OS 103/05) |
Catha edulis (Vahl) Endl. |
Skin, TB. | Shrub | Bark Roots |
Boiling |
Crassulaceae | Kuserwen (OS 32/05) |
Kalanchoe mitejea Leblanc & Hamet |
Poultice | Herb | Leaves | Poultice |
Cucurbitaceae | Laikaandet (OS 94/05) |
Momodica foetida Schumach |
Malaria | Herb | Roots | Roasting Boiling |
Cucurbitaceae | Msebebit (OS 34/05) |
Cucurbita pepo L. | Afterbirth, worms. | Herb | Roots Seeds |
Chewing |
Cuppressaceae | Keterwet (OS 26/05) |
Juniperus procera Endl |
Wound, breathing difficulty. |
Tree | Root Berries |
Pounding Chewing |
Ebenaceae | Cheptuyet (OS 99/05) |
Diospyros abyssinica (Hiern) F.White subsp. abyssinica |
Laxative, malaria, Ringworms, skin rashes, internal injuries. |
Tree | Bark | Boiling |
Ebenaceae | Shendut (OS 37/05) |
Euclea divinorum Hiern |
Snakebite | Tree | Leaves | Soaking Pounding |
Euphorbiaceae | (OS 84/05) |
Jatropha velutina Pax & K.Hoffm. |
Wounds | Shrub | Leaves | Pounding |
Euphorbiaceae | Lambachwet (OS 84/05) |
Bridelia micrantha (Horchst.) Baill. |
Skin | Tree | Bark | Boiling Soaking |
Euphorbiaceae | Tabaswet (OS 40/05) |
Croton macrostachyus Del. |
Ringworms, dysmenorrhea, diarrhea, fever in cows |
Tree | Sap Leaves Bark |
Pounding Boiling |
Euphorbiaceae | Manuet (OS 3/05) |
Ricinus communis L | Laxative | Shrub | Roots | Boiling |
Euphorbiaceae | Kureshiet (OS 4/05) |
Euphorbia candelabrum Kotschy |
STI's | Tree | Roots | Boiling |
Euphorbiaceae | Sinendet (OS 43/05) |
Periploca linearifolia Dill. & A. Rich |
STI's, intermittent headache, initiation |
Herb | Roots Leaves |
Boiling |
Euphorbiaceae | Chepkioson (OS 16/05) |
Clutia robusta Pax | Digestion | Shrub | Roots | Boiling |
Euphorbiaceae | Cheblelechandet (OS 45/05) |
Acalypha stuhlmannii Pax |
Skin. | Herb | Leaves | Chewing |
Flacourticaceae | Chabayuet (OS 46/05) |
Casaeria buttiscombei R.E. Fries |
Stomachache | Tree | Bark | Chewing Boiling |
Flacourticaceae | Kipkerelong (OS 87/05) |
Trimeria grandifolia (Horchst.) Warb |
Heart burns | Shrub | Leaves | Roasting |
Flacourticaceae | Tungururwet (OS 48/05) |
Flacourtia indica (Burm.f.) Merr. |
Dysmenorrhea, STI's |
Shrub | Bark Roots |
Boiling |
Fabaceae | Senetwet (OS 80/05) |
Senna didymobotrya (Fresen) Irwin & Barneby |
Malaria, skin, fever, typhoid, STI's |
Shrub | Roots Leaves Bark |
Boiling |
Fabaceae | Msiembut (OS 50/05) |
Entada abyssinica A.Rich |
Diarrhea | Tree | Bark | Boiling |
Fabaceae | Chebutiandet (OS 9/05) |
Piliostigma thonningii (Schumach) Milne-Redh |
Asthma, TB | Tree | Leaves | Roasting |
Fabaceae | Chebugaa (OS 52/05) |
Dolichos compressus Wilczec |
Fertility | Herb | Roots | Boiling |
Fabaceae | Kisisitiet (OS 5/05) |
Indigofera arrecta A.Rich |
Malaria, abortion, pain in urination |
Herb | Roots | Chewing, boiling. |
Fabaceae | Kimesayet (OS 54/05) |
Mucuna gigantea (Willd) D.C |
Coughs | Herb | Leaves | Burning |
Fabaceae | Kaimetiet (OS 27/05) |
Acacia lahai Benth | Skin eruptions | Tree | Bark | Boiling |
Fabaceae | Kakorwet (OS 56/05) |
Erythrina abyssinica DC. |
Mouth, laxative, internal injuries. |
Tree | Bark Roots |
Grinding Boiling |
Fabaceae | Ketitaparamte (OS 6/05) |
Aeschynomene abyssinica (A.Rich) Vatke |
‘Kasogutiet’ / heart burn |
Shrub | Bark | Chewing |
Hypocreaceae | Cheptegandet (OS 58/05) |
Engleromyces goetzi P. Hiern |
Purgative | Fungus | Whole | Boiling |
Lamiaceae | Anguriet (OS 29/05) |
Plectranthus comosus Sims |
Stomach upsets, swollen legs |
Herb | Leaves | Pounding, |
Lamiaceae | Ketitabroronik (OS 60/05) |
Leucas grandis Vatke | Wound | Herb | Whole | Burning |
Lamiaceae | Moetiet (OS 14/05) |
Leucas calostachys Oliv |
Colds, headache | Herb | Leaves | Pounding |
Liliaceae | Kapchaut (OS 62/05) |
Asparagus racemosus Willd |
Labour, scrotum, kidney |
Shrub | Roots | Boiling Roasting |
Loranthaceae | Mondoiwet (OS 12/05) |
Phragmanthera usuiensis (Oliv) M.Gilbert |
Paralysis, stroke, gout, stomache cancer. |
Shrub | Bark | Pounding Boiling |
Loganiaceae | Chorwet (OS 64/05) |
Buddleia polystachya Fres |
Fertility | Shrub/tree | Roots | Boiling |
Malvaceae | Kupchuwet (OS 21/05) |
Sida cuneifolia Roxb | Sore throat | Herb | Roots | Chewing |
Malvaceae | Mtishiet (OS 66/05) |
Urena lobata L. | Afterbirth, easen delivery |
Shrub | Roots | Boiling Chewing |
Meliaceae | Mwarubaine (OS 10/05) |
Melia azedarach L. | Concoctions (any disease) |
Tree | Roots Bark Leaves |
Boiling |
Meliaceae | Kibumetet (OS 68/05) |
Ekerbegia capensis Sparrm |
Backache, chest, diarrhea (cow) |
Tree | Bark | Pounding Boiling |
Melianthaceae | Kipsigriet (OS 1/05) |
Bersama abyssinica Fressen |
Stomachache, pneumonia, TB, malaria |
Tree | Leaves Seeds |
Chewing Boiling |
Menispermaceae | Tingwet | Cissampelos | Hypertension | Herb | Root | Boiling |
(OS 70/05) | mucronata A. Rich | Abortifacient | ||||
Mimosaceae | Seyet (OS 71/05) |
Albizia grandibracteata Taub |
Headache, stomachache |
Tree | Roots | Boiling |
Mimosaceae | Seswet (OS 8/05) |
Albizia glaberrima (Schum. & Thonn.) Benth. |
Headache, stomachache |
Tree | Leaves | Pounding Soaking Boiling |
Moraceae | Mogoiwet (OS 2/05) |
Ficus sur Forssk | Diarrhea, vomiting | Tree | Bark | Pounding Boiling |
Musaceae | Sasurwet (OS 74/05) |
Ensete ventricasum (Welw.) Cheesman |
Rheumatism | Herb | Stem | Roasting Grinding |
Myricaceae | Sagatetit (OS 75/05) |
Myrica salicifolia A.Rich |
Urinary tract | Shrub | Roots | Boiling |
Myrtaceae | Lamaywet (OS 97/05) |
Syzigium cordatum Krauss |
Diarrhea | Tree | Root Bark |
Boiling |
Myrsinaceae | Sitotwet (OS 77/05) |
Rapanea melanophloeos (L.) Mez |
Stomachache | Tree | Bark | Boiling |
Myrsinaceae | Kabortit (OS 11/05) |
Maesa lanceolata Forssk |
Heartburn | Shrub | Leaves | Burning |
Oleaceae | Pekeriondet (OS 79/05) |
Olea capensis L. | Cough, TB, difficulty in breathing, malaria. |
Tree | Bark | Boiling Soaking |
Oleaceae | Korshiondet (OS 49/05) |
Olea europea L. ssp africana (Mill) |
Stomach rumbles | Tree | Roots | Boiling |
Oleaceae | Kisagamng'ok (OS 92/05) |
Jasminum floribunda R.Br. |
Laxative, stomachache, malaria. |
Herb | Roots | Soaking Boiling |
Olinaceae | Kaptolongit (OS 82/05) |
Olinia rochetiana Juss |
Chest, TB, Pneumonia |
Tree | Root Bark Leaves |
Chewing Boling |
Phytolacaceae | Kupsogotit (OS 83/05) |
Phytolacca dodecandra L. Hiern |
Fracture, anti-venom | Shrub | Leaves Fruit |
Burning Chewing |
Pittosporaceae | Chemroriandet (OS 39/05) |
Pittosporum vividiflorum Sims ssp vividiflorum |
Urinary tract | Tree | Roots | Boiling |
Podocarpaceae | Kipsabitet (OS 85/05) |
Podocarpus latifolius (Thunb) R.Br. ex Mirb |
Cleanse womb, afterbirth |
Tree | Roots | Boiling |
Rhamnaceae | Matabiet (OS 86/05) |
Ziziphus abyssinica Hochst ex A. Rich |
Burns. | Shrub | Bark | Pounding |
Rosaceae | Arumotit (OS 47/05) |
Prunus africana (Hook.f) Kalkm |
Urinary tract | Tree | Bark Root |
Boiling |
Rosaceae | Tagamamwet (OS 88/05) |
Rubus keniensis L. | STI, afterbirth | Shrub | Root | Boiling |
Rutaceae | Kwiriondet (OS 24/05) |
Teclea nobilis Del. | Stomachache, labour. |
Shrub | Roots | Boiling |
Rutaceae | Simborichet (OS 105/05) |
Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. |
Stomachache, cough, TB, urinary tract. |
Shrub | Roots | Boiling Soaking |
Rutaceae | Chesamishiet (OS 91/05) |
Clausina anisata (Willd) Benth |
Stroke, malaria, ‘Portabarak’ |
Shrub | Roots Leaves |
Boiling |
Rubiaceae | Kipsong'ortot (OS 91/05) |
Rubia cordifolia L. | Cough, whooping cough. |
Herb | Leaves | Burning |
Rubiaceae | Kipseret (OS 93/05) |
Rentas longiflora Oliv | Laxative, skin, malaria |
Herb | Roots Leaves |
Laxative Skin |
Rubiaceae | Taburwet (OS 33/05) |
Vangueria apiculata K.Schum |
Part of concoctions. | Shrub | Roots Leaves |
Boiling |
Sapindaceae | Bionwet (OS 106/05) |
Allophyllus abyssinicus (Horchst) Radik. |
Headache, heartache, backache. |
Tree | Wood | - |
Sapotaceae | Lulyondet (OS 96/05) |
Aningeria adolfifriediricii (Engl.) Rob & Gilb |
Backache | Tree | Roots Bark |
Boiling |
Solanaceae | Labotwet (OS 76/05) |
Solanum incanum L. | Sharp abdominal pains, toothache, ear, ring worms. |
Shrub | Root Fruit |
Chewing |
Solanaceae | Sigowet (OS 98/05) |
Solanum micranthum Schltdl |
STI's, backache, stomachache, snake-cat-or dog bite, wart, vitality. |
Shrub | Root Fruit |
Boiling Burning |
Solanaceae | Tomotiet (OS 36/05) |
Nicotiana tabacum L. | Persistent wound | Herb | Root | Boiling |
Solanaceae | Ketipkiruk (OS 100/05) |
Withania somnifera (L.) Dund |
Urinary tract, rectum, STI, diarrhoea, toothache. |
Shrub | Root | Boiling Soaking Pounding |
Sterculiaceae | Porowetapko (OS 7/05) |
Dombeya torrida (J.F.Gmel) Bamps |
STI's, sustain pregnancy. |
Shrub | Roots | Boiling |
Tiliaceae | Moabarwa (OS 102/05) |
Grewia trichocarpa (Horchst) |
Skin, malaria. | Shrub | Root | Boiling |
Ulmaceae | Chebiliondet (OS 31/05) |
Chaetacme aristata Planch |
Malaria, ‘sirunda’. | Shrub | Root | Boiling |
Urticaceae | Ilaila (OS 104/05) |
Urtica dioica L. | Boils, worms. | Herb | Leaves Roots |
Boiling |
Verbanaceae | Bulgenwet (OS 90/05) |
Vitex doniana Sweet | Diarrhea, vomiting. | Tree | Bark | Boiling |
Verbanaceae | Mtoniet (OS 95/05) |
Clerodendrum myricoides (Horchst) Vatke |
All diseases | Shrub | Roots Bark |
Boiling |
Verbanaceae | Pakapmasewe (OS 19/05) |
Lantana trifolia L. | Coughs. | Shrub | Leaves | Burning |