GPCRs signaling in hypertrophy, survival, and failure. Dashed lines indicate pathways that the authors do not consider to be predominant. Abbreviations: NE norepinephrine, PE phenylephrine, ET-1 endothelin-1, S1P sphingosine 1-phosphate, LPA lysophosphatidic acid, I/R ischemia/reperfusion, InsP3 inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate, DAG diacylglycerol, PLC phospholipase C, RhoGEF rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor, PKC, protein kinase C, CaMK, calcium–calmodulin-dependent kinase, CaN, calcineurin, ROCK rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase, FAK focal adhesion kinase, PLD phospholipase D