Figure 2.
Sox2 and Oct4 are associated with a region of the Sox21 gene that contains a putative HMG/POU cassette of the Sox21 gene in i-Sox2-ESCs. A) Schematic diagram of the Sox21 gene, including a putative enhancer containing an HMG/POU cassette that is located ∼5 kb downstream of the Sox21 promoter. B, C) ChIP analysis of Sox2 association (B) or Oct4 association (C) with a region within the Sox21 gene containing the putative HMG/POU cassette. ChIP was carried out before and 24 h after induction of differentiation in i-Sox2-ESCs via treatment with 4 μg/ml Dox. ChIP analyses were repeated and similar results were obtained. *P < 0.05.