Internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) consensus alignment for Anopheles punctulatus (AP), An. farauti s.s. (AF1), An. hinesorum (AH), An. farauti 4 (AF4), and An. koliensis (AK) from Papua New Guinea. Consensus sequence for each member was created by using ITS2 sequence from multiple representatives from each species: An. punctulatus (n = 27) (Genbank accession no. HM584428–HM584454), An. farauti s.s. (n = 15) (HM584365–HM584379), An. hinesorum (n = 12) (HM584380–HM584391), An farauti 4 (n = 16) (HM584392–HM584406, HM584427), and An. koliensis (n = 20) (HM584407–HM584426). Locations of ligase detection reaction classification and reporter probes are shaded in gray and black, respectively.