Figure 3.
(a) Michaelis-Menten analysis of dicing of the 35-bp duplex. 5 nM enzyme (Dicer, Dicer-TRBP or Dicer-TRBPpm) was incubated with 5’ 32P-labeled substrate at the concentrations shown. (b) Michaelis-Menten analysis of dicing of pre-let-7a. 5 nM enzyme (Dicer, Dicer-TRBP or Dicer-TRBPpm) was incubated with 5’ 32P labeled substrate at the concentrations shown. (c) Multiple turnover assays with the 35-bp duplex and pre-let-7a comparing the activity of Dicer-TRBPRBD3 to that of Dicer alone. Cleavage data for the 35-bp duplex is re-plotted to the right with an expanded y-axis. The plots for each substrate are marked by substrate icons, as depicted in 1a.