Effect of rate constants kco and koc in the single channel RyR model (Eq. 1) on bulk SR [Ca2+] (A), fraction of open channels (B), spark frequency (C), and mean spark duration (D). *Standard parameters. Open diamonds indicate various changes in the open and closed dwell times of the RyR (cf. tetracaine, flecainide, and dual mechanism in Table 1 and Fig. 12). Open squares indicate that an increase in kco was accompanied by a smaller decrease in koc corresponding to a low dose of caffeine. The steady-state SR load (csr) and fraction of open channels (fO) are functions of the RyR Ca2+-binding constant K = koc/kco, which was constant along the lines parallel to the diagonal band for which spark frequency and duration are well defined (dashed lines, score > 0.2).