Fig. 5.
Increased kidney fibrosis in INK4a knockout mice following UUO. Low-power (A and B) and high-power (C and D) images of Masson trichrome-stained kidneys 10 days following UUO demonstrating increased collagen deposition (blue stain) in knockout kidneys are shown. E and F: PAS staining demonstrating increased tubular basement membrane thickening and irregularity in knockout kidneys (arrows). G and H: fibronectin immunohistochemistry showing increased matrix deposition in knockout kidneys. I and J: quantification of Masson trichrome- and fibronectin-stained areas, respectively, in sections from 3 different WT and knockout kidneys. Original magnification ×40 (A and B) and ×400 (C–H). *P = 0.05, **P = 0.002.