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. 2010 Jun 6;15(5):687–702. doi: 10.1007/s12192-010-0181-2

Table 1.

Pattern of expression of the sequences affected by cold stress and heat shock

Pattern of expression During thermal stress (T = 0 h) After recovery (T = 3 h)
SignificantaN = 2,987 Significantly affected ≥twofold High certaintyb SignificantaN = 2,632 Significantly affected ≥twofold High certaintyb
Affected only by cold Total 2,357 381 323 1,310 162 98
Increased 1,222 138 114 748 73 51
Decreased 1,135 243 209 562 89 47
Affected only by heat Total 389 52 24 975 195 128
Increased 144 30 14 362 126 87
Decreased 245 22 10 613 69 41
Similarly affected by cold and heat Total 160 12 296 13
Increased 21 2 50 8
Decreased 139 10 246 5
Oppositely affected by cold and heatc Total 81 3 3 51 0 0
Cold up–heat down 54 0 0 48 0 0
Cold down–heat up 27 3 3 3 0 0
Cold totals Significantly different from controls 2,598 409d 1657 192d
Increased 1,297 143d 846 83d
Decreased 1,301 266d 811 109d
Heat totals Significantly different from controls 630 71d 1322 231d
Increased 192 35d 415 146d
Decreased 438 36d 907 85d

aImplies that a significant difference was found both by two-way and one-way ANOVA and that post-hoc comparisons showed a significant difference between control and one or both of the thermal stress conditions

bImplies that there was also a significant difference between responses to heat and cold in the post-hoc comparisons

cAll of these showed, in the post-hoc analysis, a significant difference between control conditions and each of the thermal conditions tested, as well as a significant difference between heat and cold

dComputed without regard to the magnitude of the effect of the opposite thermal stimulus and therefore can add up to more than the sum of the previous categories