Table 1.
Crystallographic data collection and refinement statistics of UvsX30–358.
Data Collection | Native | SAD |
Wavelength (Å) | 1.0 | 0.97931 |
Space group | P61 | P61 |
Unit Cell (Å) | a=b=95.97 c=131.27 | a=b=95.48 c=132.30 |
Resolution (Å) | 83.04 - 2.35 | 50 - 2.8 |
Mosaicity (°) | 0.549 | 1.157 |
Unique Reflections | 28005 | 16391 |
Redundancy | 7.9 | 14.4 |
Completeness (%)* | 99.3 (92.8) | 97.2 (81.2) |
I/σ*† | 29.5 (3.2) | 27.4 (2.1) |
Rsym (%)*‡ | 5.9 (34.5) | 11.6 (44.9) |
Refinement | ||
Rcrystal / Rfree(%)*§ | 21.0/24.8 (31.1/36.3) | |
Average B-Factors (Å2) | ||
Chain A (Protein) | 23.08 | |
Chain B (Protein) | 23.13 | |
Chain C (Water) | 28.40 | |
Chain D (PO4) | 42.43 | |
Ramachandran (%) | ||
Favored | 92.2 | |
Allowed | 7.8 | |
Outliers | 0 | |
Rmsd | ||
Bond Length(Å) | 0.018 | |
Bond Angles(°) | 1.759 | |
Chirality | 0.127 |
Values in parentheses are from the highest resolution shell.
I/σ is the mean reflection intensity divided by the estimated error.
Rsym = (Σ|Ihkl − <I>|)/(ΣIhkl), where the average intensity <I> is taken over all symmetry equivalent measurements and Ihkl is the measured intensity for any given reflection.
Rcrystal = ||Fo| − |Fc||/|Fo|, where Fo and Fc are the observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes, respectively.
Rfree is equivalent to Rcrystal, but calculated for 5% of the reflections chosen at random and omitted from the refinement process.