(A and B) Distribution of pSTAT3 immunoreactivity (pSTAT3-ir) in the PMV and Arc of 1 control PMV-nonlesion mouse (A) and 1 mouse classified as PMV-lesion (B). (C) Quantification of Kiss1 mRNA/cell of PMV-lesion and PMV-nonlesion mice. (D and E) distribution of Kiss1 mRNA in the Arc of 1 control PMV-nonlesion mouse (D) and of 1 mouse classified as PMV-lesion (E, same case shown in B). Kiss1 expression was used to assess the extent of lesions of Arc and/or Kiss1 neurons. pSTAT3-ir and Kiss1 mRNA are intact in the Arc of PMV-lesion group. (F–H) PMV-lesion mice showed similar body weight (F), food intake (G) and body composition (H) compared with control PMV-nonlesion mice before and after leptin treatment. Leptin treatment reduced food intake, body weight, and the percentage of fat mass in both groups. *Statistically different from control PMV-nonlesion ob/ob mice. 3v, third ventricle. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. Scale bars: 400 μm.