Figure 3.
Gravitropic response of hypocotyl growth, greening response, and anthocyanin accumulation of transgenic plants overexpressing HFR1-ΔN105. A, Gravitropic response of hypocotyl growth. The seedlings were vertically grown in darkness or FR light (21 μW cm-2) for 4 d. Upper, Representative seedlings. Lower, Bars = sds of the hypocotyl growth orientations from at least 70 seedlings. The higher scores indicate more reduced gravitropism of hypocotyl growth. Error bars = ses from three independent experiments. WT, Wild type. B, FR-preconditioned blocking of greening. The seedlings were grown on Murashige and Skoog medium for 5 d in FR light (21 μW cm-2) and then irradiated with W light for indicated times. Data are expressed as average chlorophyll content (in milligrams) from 50 seedlings ± sd and were derived from three independent measurements. C, Accumulation of anthocyanin under different fluence rate of FR light. Anthocyanin measurement was performed on seedlings grown for 3 d under FR light at the indicated fluence rates. Bars = sds from three independent measurements.