Fig. 2.
Display for (A) the eye position–varied (EVAR) and (B) retinal-varied tasks (RVAR) and (C) task sequence. Numbers in each panel indicate epochs of interest. 1) Baseline fixation period with hand on the launch panel (1,500 ms). The fixation dot appears immediately after the animal places his hand on the launch panel. 2) Visual stimulation period (optic flow reach target) during which the hand remains on the launch panel (2,000–3,000 ms). The stimulus appears at the top right location (coordinates 12,12°) in the schematic (A and B). 3) Stimulus change (structured to unstructured motion of optic flow) instructs the monkey to lift his hand off the panel. 4) Reach period after the hand is lifted off the panel. Throughout the task, the monkey has to maintain fixation on the fixation dot. Epochs for analysis of neural activity are indicated by gray-shaded rectangles.