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Table 1.

Multiple regression of all QTL and interactions explaining HDL cholesterol levels

Term df SS (adj) %Var. P Value
Q2@164 2 0.827 3.8 2.1e-02
Q4@126 10 6.981 32.2 7.7e-08
Q7@118 2 1.485 6.8 1.2e-03
Q11@115 6 2.133 9.8 4.0e-3
Q12@112 6 2.727 12.6 5.5e-04
Q4@126*Q11@115 4 1.323 6.1 1.6e-02
Q4@126*Q12@112 4 2.233 10.3 5.6e-04
Error 90 9.2
Total 108 21.7

QTL, quantitative trait locus; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; df, degree of freedom; SS (adj), adjusted sum of square.