Figure 1.
Disruption of CD36 decreases atherosclerotic lesion development in apo E–null mice. Circles, apo E-null male (n = 9); squares, CD36-apo E double-null male (n = 5); triangle, apo E–null female (n = 5); reversed triangle, CD36-apo E double-null female (n = 6). (a) Lesion surface area in the aortic tree was assessed by en face oil red-O positive staining. The aortic tree from the heart to below the bifurcation of the iliac arteries was removed and dissected for staining and lesion analysis from mice fed a Western diet for 12 weeks. Each sample was scanned, and total oil red-O positive area was determined using Scion Image software. AP < 0.001, BP < 0.001, Mann-Whitney test. (b) Aortic sinus cross-sectional lesion area was measured in mice fed the atherogenic Western diet for 12 weeks. Atherosclerotic plaque area was determined by oil red-O positivity and morphology and measured using NIH Image software. CP < 0.0005, Mann Whitney test. (c) Prevalence of lesions at different sites in the aortic tree. En face oil red-O positive lesions from a were assessed in 3 regions of the aorta, aortic arch, thoracic-abdominal aorta, and at the iliac bifurcation, and lesion area was expressed as percent of total area of that site. (d) Aortic sinus lesion area measured as in b in mice fed a normal chow diet. Mice were 16 weeks old at sacrifice. Apo E–null male (n = 11); CD36-apo E double-null male (n = 9); apo E–null female (n = 9); CD36-apo E double-null female (n = 13). DP < 0.01, Mann Whitney test.