The specificity of the novel assay using species of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). Each lane contains a PCR product amplified from DNA of one of the following mycobacterial species: M. tuberculosis (lanes 1, 9, 10, and 18), M. avium (lane 2), M. abscessus (lanes 3 and 4), M. intracellulare (lane 5), M. fortuitum (lane 6), M. kansasii (lane 7), M. mucogenicum (lane 8), M. peregrinum (lane 11), M. scrofulaceum (lane 12), M. septicum (lane 13), M. marinum (lane 14), M. szulgai (lane 15), M. margeritense (lane 16), and M. nonchromogenicum (lane 17). Lane NC represents a negative control, and lane M contains molecular size markers (100-bp ladder). The expected sizes of the PCR products are marked on the left, and the 720-bp internal control (IC) amplicon was detected in each test sample.