Figure 5. Summary of STDP experiments in CA3 neurons upon MF stimulation.
A, all single recordings with AP burst pairing; the change in synaptic efficacy was calculated as ratio of the average EPSP amplitude 20–30 min after induction over the average EPSP amplitude during the 10 min baseline. Colour code indicates pairing with positive time delays (dark red), negative time delays (green) and no pairing (black), as depicted in the schemes above the plots. t-LTP was induced by pairing an EPSP with AP bursts at positive time delays (Δt = +10/+40 ms). This form of t-LTP was not induced when NMDARs were blocked with either extracellular d-APV (50 μm) or intracellular MK-801 (1 mm). Burst pairing at negative time delays (Δt = −20/−50 ms and −100/−200 ms) did not produce significant changes in synaptic efficacy. B, same as in A, for STDP protocols with single AP pairing. Pairing an EPSP with a single AP at positive time delays (Δt = +10 ms) induced t-LTP, whereas pairing at negative time delays (Δt = −30 ms) induced t-LTD. This form of t-LTD was not induced when NMDARs were blocked with either extracellular d-APV (50 μm) or intracellular MK-801 (1 mm). Asterisks indicate statistical significance with ANOVA compared to the experimental series with no pairing (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01).