Figure 1.
Map of mutations in Rw region. The proximal region of Chr. 5 is depicted as a horizontal line, with the centromere (filled circle) on the left. The region spanned by the Rw inversion is indicated above. Map positions (in megabases, accordingly to mouse genome Build 37) are indicated. Microsatellite loci are abbreviated by exchanging the prefix "M" for "D5Mit" and "J" for "D5Jcs". Deletions are indicated as horizontal rectangles, and are color coded with the locus at which they were induced (red) Dpp6; (blue) Hdh; (green) Qdpr. The amount of DNA known to be absent in each deletion is spanned by the rectangles. The thin lines extending from the ends of the rectangles indicate the regions in which the deletion breakpoints reside. The intervals containing certain lethal mutations (abbreviated as "L#") are bracketed at the bottom of the map. The end points of the brackets correspond to markers on the map above. Cloned mutations are shown above the map. Uncloned lethal mutations that are no longer extant are greyed out names. The locations of RefSeq genes are indicated at the top. This depiction is a modified screenshot from the UCSC browser. Note that some genes have multiple isoforms, all of which are indicated.