Mutations in S4 and the S4–S5 linker alter temperature sensitivity of TRPV1. A, representative recordings of whole cell current responses to application of 25–48 °C heat ramp (10 °C/s) at −70 mV. B, Arrhenius plot of whole cell currents obtained from representative cells shown in A, normalized at 25 °C (ordinate, log scale) and plotted against the reciprocal of absolute temperature (abscissa). Temperature coefficients Q10 were determined for each cell over the temperature range where the Arrhenius plot was linear (dashed lines). C, effects of mutations on Q10. Dotted line indicates the value at which the temperature dependence of the thermally induced currents is considered to be nonspecific, i.e. close to that of the aqueous diffusion limit (∼2). NT denotes nontransfected cells. Each bar is the mean ± S.E. (error bars); n = 33 for wild type and 3–15 for mutants.