Cog2 transfection restores Golgi localization of SMS1 in ldlC cells. A, WT and ldlC cells transiently expressing SMS1-V5 were immunostained with appropriated antibodies for V5 tag (green) and the endogenous cis Golgi marker GM130 (red). Data were obtained from three independent experiments, each with n = 50 cells. B, endogenous SMS1 was immunostained with its specific antibody, and controls without primary antibody for WT and ldlC cells were made. Phenotype observed in three independent experiments, each with n = 100 cells. C, ldlC cells transiently co-expressing SMS1-V5 (green) and Cog2-HA (red) were immunostained with the appropriated antibodies. Data were obtained from three independent experiments, each with n = 30 cells. Scale bar, 10 μm.