Angiogenic signals induce H3acK56 level in endothelial cells. A, immunohistochemistry showing H3acK56 mark in the nuclei of YSECs. B, YSECs were starved from FGF2/EGF containing endothelial growth supplement overnight and treated with FGF2/EGF-containing medium for different time intervals, and H3acK56 levels were assessed by Western blotting. C, Western blot analysis of H3acK9, H3acK14, and H3me3K4 levels in samples analyzed in B. D, HUVECs and BRMVECs were starved overnight and treated with FGF2/EGF-containing medium for 3 h, and H3acK56 levels were assessed by Western blotting. E, Western blot analysis of CBP expression in starved YSECs after FGF2/EGF treatment for 3 h. F, YSECs were infected with lentiviral vectors expressing shRNAs, which knock down CBP expression to different extents, or with empty vector, starved, and treated with FGF2/EGF for 3 h, and H3acK56 levels were assessed by Western blotting.