Renal AGT mRNA and AGT protein expression in normal SD and AGT transgenic rats. A, AGT transcript in PST (S2 and S3 segments) of control SD rat kidney by 35S-labeled radioactive in situ hybridization; S1 segments and glomeruli (G) show background signal. B and C, double staining for AGT transcript (nonradioactive in situ hybridization; B) and AGT protein immunoreactivity (IR; fluorescence immunohistochemistry; C) in AGT-transgenic rat showing mutually exclusive distribution of signals. Dashed lines mark the border between medullary rays (signal in B) and cortical labyrinth (signal in C). D, HRP bright field staining of AGT in control SD rat kidney; AGT is localized in the subapical compartments of PCT as exemplified in its initial portion at the urinary pole of a glomerulus. E, 125I-labeled AGT is detected by autoradiography in initial PCT; signal is indicated by arrowheads. Signal distribution was similar in D and E. Scale bar in A, D, and E, 20 μm; scale bar in B and C, 100 μm.