Figure 3.
Influence of coordination number and ligand charge on ion selectivity. (A) Selectivity between K+ and Na+ is shown with 2 kcal/mol contour differences. Regions that yield K+ selectivity are indicated in red, Na+ selectivity in blue, and regions where ions will not leave water to enter the site in black. The numbers in circles correspond to the molecules in Table 2: 1. K+ channel model; 2. Na+ channel model; 7. DNA quadruplex; and 8. valinomycin. (B) Selectivity map for multiple group I ions with regions shown that are selective for Li+ (green), Na+ (blue), K+ (red), Rb+ (cyan), and Cs+ (yellow). The percentage contribution to selectivity between K+ and Na+ by (C) the restriction of coordination number, χn and (D) the partial charge on the coordinating ligands, χq. Color indicates whether this contribution is toward K+ (reds) or Na+ (blues) selectivity. (E) The effect on Na+/K+ selectivity when two of the n ligands are water molecules. (F) The effect on Na+/K+ selectivity when the coordination number of Na+ can be different to that of K+ with q = 0.5.