Fig. 5. PKA activation and phosphatase inhibition decrease mitochondrial Δψ, whereas PKA inhibition increases mitochondrial Δψ.
TMRM-loaded HepG2 cells were imaged, as described in Fig. 1. As indicated in A, cells were imaged before (left panel) and 20 min after treatment with dibutyryl cAMP (db-cAMP, center panel) or after 20 min treatment with H89 (1 μM) followed by 20 min treatment with dibutyryl cAMP (right panel). In B, cells were treated identically as A with 30 min treatment with 8-CPT-cAMP (50 μM) substituting for dibutyryl cAMP. In C, cells were imaged before and 30 min after treatment with okadaic acid (100 nM). Panel D shows changes of fluorescence after various treatments in relation to untreated cells (Baseline). * p < 0.05.