Fig. 7. Effects of nocodazole, paclitaxel and dibutyryl-cAMP on mitochondrial Δψ in HepG2, A549, UM-SCC-1 cells and rat hepatocytes in complete growth medium.
TMRM-loaded cells were imaged as described in Fig. 1. In A, cells were imaged before and 30 min (HepG2, A549 and UM-SCC-1 cells) or 60 min (rat hepatocytes) after nocodazole (Ncz, 10 μM), as indicated. In B, images were collected as indicated, and cells were sequentially treated for 20 min with dibutyryl cAMP (1 mM) and 30 min with paclitaxel (30 μM). Average TMRM fluorescence after nocodazole and dibutyryl cAMP plus paclitaxel is shown in C.* p < 0.05.