Figure 6. Non-cutaneous skin phenotypes of Lamc2 jebmice.
A. SEM of WT and Lamc2jeb teeth at 35x (bar = 1 mm) and 500x (bar = 100 μm) reveals the surface pitting of the enamel of the teeth in the mutant mice. B. Average lung pressure-volume loops post challenge. The average (±SE) of 8 129X1/SvJ and 9 Lamc2jeb/Lamc2jeb analyzed by forced oscillation technique (at PEEP 3) show clear differences in resistance and/or elastance between WT and Lamc2 jeb/Lamc2 jeb mice. X-axis represents pressure in cm H2O and y-axis represents volume in mL. p < 0.001 by ANOVA.