Effect of LY294002 on phenylephrine-induced ICa,L and contractile responses in normoglycaemic (control) and diabetic mice. The data are represented as mean ± SEM. Effect of LY294002 (20 µmol·L−1) on (A) ICa,L induced by phenylephrine (1 µmol·L−1) in aortic SMC; control versus diabetic ***P < 0.001, diabetic versus diabetic+LY294002 ###P < 0.001 and on (B) phenylephrine-induced contractile responses in aortic rings. (C) Inhibitory effect of LY294002 represented by the relative Δ % area under the curves shown in (B); *P < 0.05. ICa,L, Ca2+ current through voltage-dependent L-type Ca2+ channel.