Examples of a single truncated hexa-octahedral magnetite produced by
magnetotactic bacteria strain MV-1 imaged with incremental stage
rotation. Magnetites were extracted from cells and examined with a TEM
at 200 kV. The degrees of rotation are noted in the upper left corner
of each image. (a1) Magnetite, ≈35 nm in width, viewed
at 0°. (a2) Simulated view of magnetite in
a1. Intersecting {111} faces form a dihedral angle
of ≈110° (theoretical angle is 109°); note these
crystallographically equivalent faces are not equal in length.
Intersecting {111} and {100} faces are at ≈125°
(theoretical angle is 125°). Crystal is viewed down the [1–10]
zone axis. (a3) The 2-D spatial Fourier transform
calculated from the TEM image in a1. (b1)
Same magnetite in a1 viewed at +28° from
a1. (b2) Simulated view of magnetite in
b1. {111} faces are bound by the edge defined by the
intersection of {100} and {111} faces (represented by
{100}∨{111}); this angle is ≈125° (theoretical angle is
≈122°). The intersection of {100}∨{111} edge and a
{110} face is ≈145° (theoretical angle is ≈148°).
(c1) Same magnetite in a1 viewed at
+48° from a1. (c2) Simulated view of
magnetite in c1. Position of the {111} faces
indicates the magnetite is rotated about the long axis.
(d1) Same magnetite in a1 viewed at
+58° from a1. (d2) Simulated view of
magnetite in d1. At ≈60° of rotation, the magnetite
in a1 is now viewed down the [−101] zone axis
displaying the 3-fold symmetry of this crystal. Intersecting {111}
faces form an angle of ≈110°; again, note these
crystallographically equivalent faces are not equal in length.
Intersecting {111} and {100} faces are at ≈125°.
(e1) Another magnetite, ≈40 nm in width, viewed down a
[111] zone axis displaying a hexagonal projection. {110} faces
intersect at ≈120°. (e2) Truncated hexa-octahedron
in same orientation as magnetite in e1. Lengths of faces
and angles are nearly identical to those of magnetite in