FIG. 2.
Attachment of RLE-6TN cells on Fn fragments. Attachment of epithelial cells to FnIII9’10 (A, C) or FnIII10 (B, D) fragments was analyzed with or without integrin function blocking (FB) antibodies (A, B), or with or without inhibitory peptides (C, D) through a standard attachment assay. Percent attachment (left y-axis) was determined by normalizing attachment to bovine serum albumin (BSA) (0%) and Fn fragment in the presence of control IgG (A, B) or scrambled peptide (C, D) (100%) and averages and standard errors are plotted. Total cell number is reported on the right y-axis. ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05.