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. 2010 Nov 17;173(2):201–216. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwq345

Table 3.

Body Size and Breast Cancer Risk in Premenopausal Women, by Race/Ethnicitya, in the San Francisco Bay Area Breast Cancer Study, 1995–2004

African Americans
Non-Hispanic Whites
No. of Cases (n = 672) No. of Controls (n = 808) ORb 95% CI No. of Cases (n = 375) No. of Controls (n = 483) ORc 95% CI No. of Cases (n = 154) No. of Controls (n = 160) ORc 95% CI No. of Cases (n = 143) No. of Controls (n = 165) ORc 95% CI
Current height, cmd
    Quartile 1 109 202 1.0 61 122 1.0 25 42 1.0 30 42 1.0
    Quartile 2 147 202 1.69 0.86, 1.69 87 120 1.38 0.88, 2.15 37 38 1.51 0.71, 3.21 34 43 1.14 0.53, 2.42
    Quartile 3 196 202 2.22 1.13, 2.22 84 121 1.23 0.78, 1.94 59 40 2.55 1.24, 5.21 34 39 1.38 0.65, 2.95
    Quartile 4 220 202 2.53 1.23, 2.53 143 120 1.84 1.18, 2.85 33 40 1.39 0.65, 2.94 45 41 1.81 0.87, 3.74
    Ptrend <0.01 0.01 0.20 0.09
Quartile of current weight, kge
    ≤61.2 227 229 1.0 134 125 1.0 31 27 1.0 62 77 1.0
    61.3–68.0 148 182 0.76 0.56, 1.04 86 121 0.61 0.40, 0.93 35 34 0.70 0.31, 1.56 27 27 1.25 0.60, 2.60
    68.1–81.6 181 214 0.70 0.52, 0.95 102 146 0.48 0.32, 0.73 41 37 0.75 0.35, 1.62 38 31 1.86 0.94, 3.70
    >81.6 116 183 0.51 0.36, 0.72 53 91 0.43 0.26, 0.69 47 62 1.62 0.26, 1.14 16 30 0.55 0.23, 1.34
    Ptrend <0.01 <0.01 0.13 0.96
Current BMIf,g
    <25.0 298 262 1.0 146 118 1.0 59 46 1.0 93 98 1.0
    25.0–29.9 195 274 0.65 0.49, 0.85 125 190 0.56 0.38, 0.81 40 50 0.54 0.29, 1.03 30 34 1.02 0.54, 1.93
    ≥30.0 179 272 0.60 0.45, 0.79 104 175 0.52 0.35, 0.77 55 64 0.65 0.35, 1.23 20 33 0.60 0.28, 1.30
    Ptrend <0.01 <0.01 0.20 0.28
Current body build
    1–3 (slim) 123 104 1.0 65 55 1.0 21 13 1.0 37 36 1.0
    4 153 173 0.74 0.52, 1.06 75 95 0.76 0.45, 1.28 37 41 0.40 0.14, 0.94 41 37 0.86 0.40, 1.82
    5–6 301 357 0.73 0.52, 1.00 185 239 0.68 0.43, 1.06 68 55 0.64 0.26, 1.54 48 63 0.80 0.40, 1.59
    7–9 (heavy) 91 170 0.40 0.27, 0.60 46 92 0.40 0.23, 0.71 28 49 0.25 0.10, 0.65 17 29 0.39 0.16, 0.98
    Ptrend <0.01 <0.01 0.03 0.08
Quartile of young-adult weight, kgh
    ≤53.5 180 205 1.0 118 132 1.0 24 26 1.0 38 47 1.0
    53.6–58.3 194 185 1.10 0.81, 1.50 113 109 1.03 0.68, 1.55 39 32 1.56 0.66, 3.71 42 44 1.67 0.79, 3.56
    58.4–63.5 159 202 0.77 0.56, 1.07 78 122 0.59 0.38, 0.90 47 41 1.16 0.52, 2.59 34 39 1.19 0.55, 2.57
    >63.5 131 188 0.65 0.46, 0.92 61 95 0.56 0.35, 0.90 43 59 0.68 0.30, 1.52 27 34 1.12 0.47, 2.68
    Ptrend <0.01 <0.01 0.12 0.96
Quartile of young-adult BMIi
    ≤20.9 210 195 1.0 95 85 1.0 41 42 1.0 74 68 1.0
    21.0–22.7 200 195 1.07 0.80, 1.44 121 105 1.29 0.84, 1.99 48 37 1.67 0.83, 3.35 31 53 0.52 0.28, 0.96
    22.8–24.9 136 195 0.79 0.57, 1.08 81 128 0.74 0.48, 1.17 37 41 0.97 0.49, 1.93 18 26 0.86 0.39, 1.91
    >24.9 118 195 0.73 0.52, 1.01 73 140 0.65 0.41, 1.04 27 38 0.87 0.41, 1.86 18 17 1.03 0.43, 2.46
    Ptrend 0.02 0.01 0.42 0.77
Weight change, kgj
    Loss >3.0 24 33 0.57 13 17 0.57 7 6 1.17 4 10 0.35
    None/stable 146 115 1.0 0.31, 1.06 82 57 1.0 0.24, 1.36 23 17 1.0 0.28, 4.91 41 41 1.0 0.09, 1.38
    Gain 3.1–10.0 217 240 0.73 0.53, 1.02 119 142 0.60 0.38, 0.95 45 48 0.61 0.27, 1.39 53 50 1.35 0.69, 2.65
    Gain 10.1–20.0 155 205 0.54 0.38, 0.76 94 138 0.40 0.25, 0.65 34 33 0.68 0.28, 1.62 27 34 0.87 0.40, 1.90
    Gain >20.0 122 187 0.44 0.30, 0.63 62 104 0.35 0.21, 0.59 44 54 0.52 0.22, 1.22 16 29 0.57 0.22, 1.45
    Ptrendk <0.01 <0.01 0.32 0.23
Quartile of waist circumference, cm
    ≤78.7 192 197 1.0 103 95 1.0 17 23 1.0 72 79 1.0
    78.8–87.0 132 190 0.77 0.56, 1.07 76 131 0.59 0.38, 0.91 31 31 1.60 0.65, 3.93 25 28 0.96 0.46, 1.98
    87.1–98.0 155 193 0.87 0.63, 1.21 93 135 0.71 0.46, 1.10 42 30 1.89 0.79, 4.50 20 28 0.75 0.35, 1.65
    >98.0 154 191 0.80 0.57, 1.12 91 110 0.74 0.47, 1.17 47 60 1.09 0.47, 2.52 16 21 0.90 0.37, 2.17
    Ptrend 0.30 0.35 0.87 0.59
Quartile of hip circumference, cm
    ≤99.5 153 194 1.0 85 116 1.0 16 20 1.0 52 58 1.0
    99.6–106.6 164 191 1.16 0.84, 1.60 106 127 1.20 0.78, 1.83 27 27 1.58 0.60, 4.18 31 37 1.08 0.54, 2.17
    106.7–116.3 170 194 1.00 0.72, 1.38 93 126 0.87 0.56, 1.35 51 38 1.51 0.62, 3.70 26 30 1.07 0.51, 2.27
    >116.3 146 191 0.91 0.65, 1.28 79 102 1.01 0.63, 1.61 43 58 0.91 0.37, 2.22 24 31 0.97 0.44, 2.15
    Ptrend 0.43 0.64 0.46 0.99
Quartile of waist-to-hip ratio
    ≤0.77 223 202 1.0 103 88 1.0 33 29 1.0 87 85 1.0
    0.78–0.81 137 199 0.62 0.45, 0.85 86 125 0.63 0.41, 0.97 28 36 0.61 0.27, 1.37 23 38 0.55 0.28, 1.10
    0.82–0.85 117 178 0.64 0.45, 0.89 78 126 0.64 0.41, 1.00 29 30 0.83 0.37, 1.86 10 22 0.40 0.15, 1.02
    >0.85 156 190 0.78 0.56, 1.08 96 131 0.71 0.46, 1.11 47 48 0.82 0.39, 1.74 13 11 1.35 0.47, 3.86
    Ptrend 0.15 0.19 0.90 0.38
Quartile of waist-to-height ratio
    ≤0.50 234 221 1.0 110 96 1.0 34 32 1.0 90 93 1.0
    0.51–0.55 121 187 0.62 0.45, 0.86 71 120 0.56 0.36, 0.88 33 43 0.78 0.37, 1.64 17 24 0.57 0.26, 1.24
    0.56–0.61 137 176 0.88 0.63, 1.23 91 133 0.79 0.50, 1.23 33 21 1.68 0.73, 3.85 13 22 0.70 0.29, 1.67
    >0.61 141 187 0.76 0.54, 1.06 91 122 0.74 0.47, 1.17 37 48 0.80 0.37, 1.72 13 17 0.73 0.29, 1.89
    Ptrend 0.31 0.47 0.95 0.27

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.


All P values for interaction by race/ethnicity were >0.05.


Adjusted for age (continuous), race/ethnicity (Hispanic, African American, non-Hispanic white), place of birth (US-born, foreign-born), education level (some high school or less, high school graduate or vocational/technical school, some college, college graduate), family history of breast cancer (no, yes), personal history of benign breast disease (no, yes), years of age at menarche (≤11, 12, 13, ≥14), number of full-term pregnancies (0, 1, 2, 3, ≥4), months of breastfeeding (nulliparous, 0, ≤6, 7–12, 13–24, >24), lifetime physical activity (quartiles according to the distribution among premenopausal controls), average daily grams of alcohol consumption (0, 0.1–4.9, 5–9.9, 10–19.9, ≥20), average daily total caloric intake (quartiles according to the distribution among premenopausal controls), and current height (quartiles according to the distribution among premenopausal controls).


Adjusted for above variables except for race/ethnicity.


Based on measured height (or self-reported adult height when measured height not available). Quartile cutpoints for all race/ethnicities combined are ≤154.6, 154.7–159.3, 159.4–164.6, and >164.6. Analyses in each racial/ethnic group are based on race-specific quartiles of height among controls. Quartile cutpoints by race/ethnicity are ≤152.4, 152.5–156.7, 156.8–160.5, and >160.5 for Hispanics, ≤159.9, 160.0–163.9, 164.0–169.3, and >169.3 for African Americans, and ≤159.6, 159.7–164.0, 164.1–168.1, and >168.1 for non-Hispanic whites.


Based on self-reported weight (or measured weight when self-reported weight not available).


Based on self-reported weight and measured height (if not available, then based on measured weight and/or self-reported height).


BMI is determined as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.


Between ages 25–30 for cases diagnosed from April 1995 to April 1998 and matched controls and between ages 20–29 for cases diagnosed from May 1998 to April 2002 and matched controls.


Based on usual weight in a woman's 20s and measured height at interview (or self-reported adult height when measured height not available).


Self-reported weight (or measured weight if self-reported weight not available) at interview minus self-reported usual weight in a woman's 20s.


P for trend excludes women with loss of >3.0 kg.

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