A proposed scheme for the reaction mechanism of cd1
NIR with NO2−. When nitrite is mixed with the
reduced enzyme (species 1), the formation of the Michaelis
complex (species 2) is followed by very rapid formation of
NO, involving bond breaking and loss of a hydroxide ion; yet this
process is assumed to be reversible. The resulting mixed-valence
species 3 or 4
NO or
NO+) may dissociate NO and be reduced to species
1 (via 6 and 7) to enter a new
productive cycle; however, in vitro it seems to be
progressively inhibited to a dead-end state with NO bound to the
ferrous d1-heme (species 8). Species
1–5 equilibrate rapidly [see also George et al.
(20)], accounting for a fraction of oxidized c-heme formed during the
dead time of the stopped flow. The relative population of each species
depends on experimental conditions, such as pH and concentration of
substrate and reductant, and it may even differ in NIR from different
species. The Michaelis complex, formed rapidly even at low nitrite
concentrations (e.g., 100 μM), accounts for considerably less than
100% of the enzyme; therefore the bimolecular rate constant is fast,
but the affinity is lower than previously suggested (24). Nevertheless,
our kinetic data are consistent with the value of
Km = 6 μM
NO2−, which was independently
determined (not shown). Species 6 builds up slowly
(k = 2 s−1) and incompletely
under our experimental conditions; the internal redox equilibrium
between species 6 and 7 is assigned a rate
constant of 0.3 s−1. Because it is well
established that the electron accepting site is the c-heme, only
species 5 and 7 can be reduced with the use of
ascorbate, azurin, or cytochrome c551.
In the scheme, there are two paths leading to
NO, the dead-end species 8: either by reaction of the
reduced enzyme with NO or by reduction of species 5 by
external reductants. In P. pantotrotrophus NiR, species
5 forms completely and instantaneously at
[NO2−] = 0.2–5.0 mM;
thereafter it decays to species 4 at 38
s−1, as shown by George et al. (20);
it is possible that a similar reequilibration also occurs in Pa-NIR,
but if so, it is lost in the dead time.